Inside Out 2 Reminded Me My Core Beliefs Are Found in Jesus Not Anxiety

Raise your hand if you’ve ever cried real tears during a kid’s movie… 🙋‍♀️

From Mufasa’s death in The Lion King, to Andy giving Woody to Bonnie in Toy Story 3, it’s clear that Disney and Pixar know what they’re doing when it comes to pulling on the heartstrings.

For me, another movie that makes the list is Inside Out. Like much of the world, I walked into the theater thinking I’d enjoy a sweet animated Pixar movie about emotions in my head, but left (a little weepy) reminded of two powerful lessons from childhood 1) change is inevitable 2) it’s okay to be sad sometimes.

We’re not even going to mention Bing Bong… If you know, you know.

The sequel was released on June 14, 2024, and it did not disappoint. If you don’t want movie spoilers, let this serve as your warning ⚠️ Now that our main character, Riley, is a teenager she is not only experiencing new emotions like embarrassment, envy, and anxiety, but is also forming her “core beliefs.”

This idea of “core beliefs” is how the Holy Spirit reminded me in my theater seat of my own teen years and the work that Jesus did in my life to form the core beliefs I still have to this day. 

When I was a teenager, negative thoughts ruled my life. I would wear the same jacket every day in high school because I worried too much about how I looked if I wore anything else. It would take me hours upon hours to go school shopping because I was too afraid I would choose the wrong bookbag, lunchbox, or even pencil case that made me stand out or look weird.

Maybe like me and like Riley in the movie, you also have struggled with this idea:

“I’m not good enough.”

A belief like this can completely change our reactions, decisions, and identity. This change isn’t for the better because it’s fueled by a belief that just isn’t true. I still struggle with anxiety. We ALL struggle with negative emotions that evolve and change throughout our lives. The beautiful thing is scripture is so clear in telling us what is true. Take a second to read through the truth found in the scriptures below and allow this to start re-forming your core beliefs:

There is a scene at the end of the movie where Riley has an anxiety attack. Her body shuts down and her other emotions are unable to help because Anxiety has taken over. But Joy steps in and says these words to Anxiety:

“You don’t get to choose who Riley is. Anxiety, you need to let her go.” – Joy

No matter what negative emotion takes over in your mind – anxiety, worry, sadness, loneliness – Jesus will always step in and give you joy if you ask Him. You are not defined by your emotions. Your identity is in Christ.

So yeah, it may just be a kids movie. But it was a great reminder of how the truth of God’s word defines me and nothing else. Emotions will come and go, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Next time you watch the movie, watch for my favorite moment that is so easy to miss if you aren’t looking for it. After Riley’s panic attack, she sees light shining through a window. It’s at that moment that she remembers her core beliefs and anxiety takes a step back. For me, that light is Jesus.

16 Songs to Help Combat Anxiety & Fear
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Debi Z
Debi Z
June 30, 2024 9:23 pm

I realized at that moment that all of her other feelings are fruit of the flesh. James says we fight and quarrel (I think this is true inside us too) because we want something and we don’t have it. So when we want something, we start worrying, getting angry, feeling embarrassed, etc. because we want x (the spot on the hockey team, people to like us, admiration from the coach) and don’t have it. BUT, joy is a fruit of the Spirit!!! It’s what comes when, instead of acting on our anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, we turn those feelings over… Read more »

June 28, 2024 10:41 pm

This is so on point! I love your takeaway from the movie and how seamlessly you related it to Jesus and how we need to leave it all at His feet, all day everyday!!
He is our one true source of joy, love and hope! All glory to God!

Mike Alcott
Mike Alcott
July 1, 2024 7:09 am

I saw the movie this past Friday (June 28th). Loved it. Although it was awkward being the only adult in the theater without a child by my side. I saw the movie alone. Everyone should see this movie. I realized that everyone has these same feelings and emotions, and negative thoughts. I think it helps you not only understand you, but if you can get outside of yourself and put yourself in other people’s shoes it helps you to understand that other people are going thru things you have no idea about. Show kindness, compassion, and empathy towards others. And… Read more »

Rhonda Goode
Rhonda Goode
June 24, 2024 6:22 pm

Bing Bong!!! This Blog speaks truth ❤️ thank you

Reply to  Rhonda Goode
June 29, 2024 9:29 am


June 29, 2024 9:29 am

I have not ever cried during a kids movie

July 1, 2024 12:02 pm

Thank you for sharing this, Alaina! What you wrote almost made me cry, and I haven’t even seen the movie yet!

Christine Dufresne
Christine Dufresne
July 3, 2024 2:33 pm

100% Truth.

July 4, 2024 9:27 am

Excellent reminder that our core beliefs are in Christ, not our emotions. Thank you for listing the core belief Bible verses! I sent a screenshot of them to my teen daughter and read them again for myself! It’s so easy to take temporary emotions and give them more power over our life than we should. It’s a good reminder that our emotions are temporary and changing, but Christ is not and His Word and promises to us are everlasting.

Jenn Dowden
July 7, 2024 7:22 am

Learning from Joy from the last movie, sadness isn’t necessarily a “negative” emotion, it just is an appropriate response. At the beginning of the summer, Jennie Allen offered a free Bible study called Untangling Our Emotions to view emotions through Scripture. Listening to her videos and watching this movie with the visual of anxiety is fascinating. The movie gave Anxiety a lot of power and control. It would be interesting for a Christian Spin off to have the Holy Spirit in the mix of headquarters. Thoughts Aliana about how that would look?

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